Design Booth Workshops
Take a look at our Design Booth Workshops in action at these May and June 2019 outreach events:
Twain Harte Elementary School

Local 6th, 7th and 8th greade students interact with the Design Booth, discussing, adding and voting on design safety, water play and educational ideas.

A local student adds a new design idea for the conceptual design (made of the most popular design ideas in previous workshops).

Local students interact with the Design Booth, adding new ideas and voting on ideas added by others.

Royal Flush Outhouse Races

A local family votes on its favorite water-play ideas while attending the Twain Harte Rotary Outhouse Races event.

Residents interact with the Design Booth, discussing the conceptual design, adding ideas and voting on ideas provided by other residents.

Residents evaluate and vote on new recreation ideas placed on the Design Booth by students and residents who visited the booth earlier.

Afternoon in the Park with Supervisor Anaiah Kirk

THCSD worked with our County Supervisor to hold office hours in the park to get community input from families visiting the park and others wanting to meet their supervisor.

A local family that was playing on the playground discusses the community's conceptual design and ideas residents had written on the board.

Twain Harte Homeowners Annual Meeting

After a presentation and open discussion of design ideas, residents interact witht he Design Booth, voting for their favorite ideas.

Two residents joyfully interact with the Design Booth, voting on their favorite design ideas.